Why did I start Moon Mama POSTPARTUM UNDERWEAR?
On the twins first birthday my sister-in-law asked me what that thing was I couldn't live without after having twins.
A whole year had past and most of it was a blur.
I thought about the Baby Brezza and the double HALO bassinet - all really great things but all things I could have lived without.
The baby Brezza would clog if you didn’t clean it correctly, the bassinet took up too much space in the living room for the first 3 months, and none of these things was really for me.
They certainly played key roles in helping my support team - Brent, my Mom, my Mother-in-law, and my sister - who would do shift work throughout the night with the twins.
But when I really took a step back and thought about it, it was the hospital mesh underwear that saved me.
Before I went on mat leave a co-worker told me the mesh underwear at Mount Sinai are amazing!
She said, before they move you from the birthing floor to the recovery floor, get as many pairs of underwear as possible. Because once you move to the recovery floor you were out of luck - no more mesh underwear!
I did ask for the underwear but in the craziness of moving from one floor to the next with all the stuff that we brought plus the twins we forgot them. Luckily, they sold them at the gift shop! So, I bought 6 pairs!
I lived in my mush underwear for weeks! They were the most comfortable article of clothing I had. I tried wearing the big old Fruit of the Loom undies, but they didn't have enough give and the pressure was too much on my oh-so-sore stomach and incision.
Day three postpartum holding Lawrence
When I really thought about that time postpartum, I thought about how unlike myself I felt.
Just days before I was this glorious pregnant woman carrying twins. All of a sudden, I had become this exhausted bag of wobbly, swollen emptiness.
My ankles were swollen, when I laid down my stomach was like a waterbed - jiggly and hollow, and because of my C-section.
I couldn’t walk much further than the couch to the kitchen - let alone do laundry, drive a car, or go for a walk outside. When standing, I looked 8 months pregnant.
My breasts were swollen and hard. I was trying to get my babies to latch and then pumping after every feed.
My body was not my own anymore. I was completely out of sorts.
At that time, the comfort of my mesh underwear was just that, a comfort. I needed them.
If I didn't have them, I would have been in a world of elastic Fruit of the Loom waistbands or too small panties that made me feel worse about my new, strange body.
That’s why when I was asked that question 12 months later, I knew that the thing I could not have lived without was my mesh underwear. I lived in those 6 pairs longer than my bleeding lasted because I needed their comfort.
I also thought to myself, why do they have to be so darn underwhelming?! Why can’t they also be pretty?? Why can’t they also make you feel good when you don't feel like yourself?
That is why I started Moon Mama. Postpartum mesh underwear made beautiful! Why not make a Mom that has just given birth smile when she looks at her postpartum underwear?!