my circus, my monkeys!


Full-time job and trying to start my own business. Am I crazy?!?!

Some nights I think what the hell am I thinking? And then I remember how excited I am about Moon Mama.

If we still had soap boxes, I would be standing on one in the market square spreading the word! Telling everyone how special Moon Mama underwear is. Thank goodness we have social media for that. LOL

Last week was one of the most trying weeks thus far. It was this storm of crazy deadlines at work, pushing Moon Mama forward in any way I can, being a Mom to twins and just trying to not lose my shit. I also had my period. Icing on the cake. 

By mid-week I woke up at 2 o’clock in the morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. I put my Calm app on, tucked into a bedtime story read by my fav, Cillian Murphy… Nothing.

By 3 am I was so anxious. I laid in bed and thought, what makes me happy and calms me? The first thing that came to mind was the twins. Of the 2 of them, Lawrence is the snuggly one. So, I got out of bed, snuck into their room, and climbed into Lawrence’s crib.

A wave of calm arose as Lawrence threw his little arm over me. I laid there until 5 am dosing off here and there. I was surprised that a crib with one adult and one toddler could be comfortable. Somehow it was working. 

The next day was rough. I was exhausted. But I decided to face every issue that was causing me anxiety head-on.

I reached out to my colleagues and asked for their support and help. I allowed myself to be vulnerable and acknowledge that I was drowning.

I was humbled by the support of my team and realized that all I needed to do was ask for what I needed, and they showed up. 

Friday was a good day. I closed my laptop at 5pm and had a lovely evening with my family. Brent and I even managed to finish a bottle of wine and do a chapter of our relationship workbook.

We had a good laugh and it made for a nice ending to a very overwhelming week.


life after baby (or babies!)


Why did I start Moon Mama POSTPARTUM UNDERWEAR?