life after baby (or babies!)


No one can ever prepare you for life after baby (or babies!)

I remember sitting on the operating table holding my OB’s hands while the anesthesiologist was mumbling about how I had a slight curve in my spine - not something you want to hear when a very large needle is about to be inserted there.

While she held my hands I told her I didn't think I would cry when I met my babies for the first time. I just felt so disconnected to the moment. I was definitely wrong about that! I cried. Brent cried. We all cried! So many feelings happened all at once!

Fast forward to 1 week post-partum.

My Mom was staying with us and my Dad would drive into the city for dinner almost every night. My Mom thinks he was lonely and really missed being with us.

Our small apartment was just a little too small for him so he would visit for a few hours and then would drive home. On one of these visits, I remember telling him how I felt like a vale had been lifted on the whole world.

How everything was how it had always been but how everything was also somehow very different. It was as if the world had become brighter and more vivid. I remember it being such a surreal moment for me.

I don't know if the bright, vivid view of the world has really changed in the past 22 months. I do know that I love getting to be a part of someone’s firsts.

These moments we have gotten so used to or bored of are exciting and novel and new. I get to enjoy Lawrence watching the neighbourhood cat stock the birds at the feeder… or watch a leaf be taken away by the water running down the road and 2 little toddlers enthralled by this action.

At the end of the day I’m exhausted but so in love! 


Thank you Mom


my circus, my monkeys!