
I don’t have a very romantic story in regard to breastfeeding. It was hard. I did it for 3 months. I drank lots of water. Got no sleep… Had latching issues... I can go on…

I went in thinking, I’m just going to do it. No big deal twins and breastfeeding it might be a little tricky, but nothing I couldn’t handle. My Mom did it with four kids, “it’s easy!” 

It wasn’t until I was at the hospital having a mini breakdown did I realize it wasn’t going to be a walk in the park.

Highlights - When I was double breastfeeding the twins would speed up and slowdown at the same time! It was like one couldn’t out eat the other.

I was terrible at burping them after a double feed. Heads would knock together, babies would fuss, and I struggled. It might have been helpful if I YouTubed some videos. 


Lowlights - my nipples where chapped and so sore. I would feed each baby then pump to try and bring in as much milk as possible.

No one told me to lubricate my nipples when pumping. New Moms, lubricate your nipples when you pump! It will change your life.

Your baby naturally lubricates with saliva, but that pump is just dry and pulling on your nipples. 

I was always feeding and pumping, feeling like I was never getting enough milk for the babies.

One day I just pumped and didn’t breastfeed. I pumped every 2 hours then moved on to every 3 hours. I slowly pumped enough so the twins stopped needing formula. It helped me feel like I had control over the situation. It also allowed others to help and feed the babies. It allowed me quiet time, where I was able to step away and read a book, scan social media, sleep! (while pumping).

 Because I made that decision my babies drank my breast milk past their first birthday. I was very proud of myself for achieving this goal. 

 My unsolicited advice is to do what’s right for you!


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