From one to Two! The art of “balancing” baby, toddler and work


A year ago, I joined a group of mother entrepreneurs and I love it. I was able to meet Amanda who has just had her second child.

When I had a model (friend) cancel the day of the Moon Mama photo shoot Amanda graciously stepped in. I messaged her at 5:30 am and by 6 am Moon Mama was no longer short a model (or 2).  

Amanda is real estate agent and a mother of two. She sat down with me for a chat, and we got straight to it with five quick questions about becoming a Mother of two, working, and keeping it real!  

1. What didn't you expect when having your second child?

“I didn’t expect not having mesh underwear or pads at the hospital.  Since I had my first child 2 years ago… they cut the supply to mesh underwear and pads. You literally get one pair of underwear and 1 pad for your stay at the hospital, luckily, I brought my own pads… but it was uncomfortable.”

2. Do you have any advice or tips for Mom's that are going back to work?

“Take it slow, take it easy, and if it doesn’t feel right or you can’t manage it- don’t do it!  I’m lucky to have the flexibility with my job… But it’s still extremely hard some days. The scheduling is key- have a loose schedule (because... you know- babies).”

3. What have you gotten better or faster at doing?

“Managing my time and cleaning/cooking faster lol”

4. What made you pick Moon Mama underwear for your postpartum recovery?

“The comfort and style! It made me feel somewhat human with the colours of the underwear (don’t ask lol). “

5. Do you have a "go to" snack and why?

“My go to snack is chocolate ice cream.  I’m not sure why- this is something that came about in my second pregnancy and has stuck! Lol”


3 reasons Moon Mama postpartum underwear are perfect for your postpartum recovery.


Getting real about Motherhood