Why Moon? Why Mama?

Pregnant woman silhouette at dusk

Something I don't really talk about is how I am a woman in her mid 30’s and I’m afraid of the dark..

Yes this is a real problem.  LOL.

I can thank my two older brothers who had us watch the classic zombie movie, Night of the Living Dead. And I must give credit to the 1986 psychological horror drama, IT.

For years I was afraid to take a shower and would only bathe with my eyes open at all times! 

I must also mention that when my parents would leave my two older brothers to babysit they would practice their acting skills by becoming zombies. Essentially trapping my sister and I in our room in total terror until my parents arrived home.

Needless to say, when someone asks if I like to watch horror films I just say no.

Fast forward 30 years and there I am awake in the middle of the night with two babies.

And that’s when it all changed. From someone who feared the dark and night. I found the beauty in it.

Nights were spent very similar to my days. Feeding the twins and changing diapers, but something about the night. It was just calmer.

When the twins were three months old I began to pump and then feed. In doing this I would wake up before they would to pump. I would sit quietly by the window and watch the night. If it wasn’t the raccoons getting into mischief it was the Moon.  It could be so bright. 

By becoming a Mama I no longer feared the dark and the night I became the night owl that kept watch over my family. I became the Moon Mama.


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